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Elgin Museum is owned and managed by The Moray Society. Membership is open to all who support the Society’s aims of protecting and promoting the heritage of Moray. Join us to help secure the future of Elgin Museum!

The history of The Moray Society is essentially that of Elgin Museum. The original name was the Elgin Scientific Society, which soon after became the Elgin Literary and Scientific Society and for some 40 years in the mid-twentieth century, the Elgin Society.  The primary function of The Moray Society is to safeguard the Museum, and ensure that the Museum and any associated activities contribute to the Society’s aims to promote and conserve Moray’s heritage. Members, volunteers and visitors are from all walks of life and we strive to make Elgin Museum’s collections and events accessible to all. Elgin Museum Volunteers are not required to be members of The Moray Society, although their additional support through membership is most appreciated.

Follow this link to Become a Member


The Moray Society is a company limited by guarantee and a registered Scottish charity. You can read the Society’s Constitution here. It has a Board of Directors, including a President, Vice-president and Treasurer/Company Secretary. Board meetings are held at least four times a year and are advised by a Finance Committee. The AGM is usually held on the last Friday in April. Find out more about our Board and express an interest in becoming a Trustee here


Elgin Museum remains independent, and is not in receipt of any regular financial support. Our income is made up from Moray Society members’ subscriptions, donations by visitors and organisations, bequests, shop sales, and grants to fund specific projects.  Gift Aid is claimed when individuals have completed the form, and on monies in donations boxes. While it is relatively easy to get grants for specific purposes (albeit time consuming), our greatest difficulty is in finding revenue funding for running expenses so we are ever more reliant on donations, however small.  Although we continue to work with Moray Council, especially in the shared fields of tourism, heritage and education, we no longer receive a grant.

Elgin Museum Management Committee

Day-to-day management of Elgin Museum is devolved by the Board to Elgin Museum Management Committee. Members are ex-officio The Moray Society Office Bearers, the Museum Assistant (and other employees who may be co-opted), the Museum Mentor and volunteers with specific responsibilities within the Museum. The Convenor is Line Manager for any employees. 

The Museum has no Curator at present because the salary is unaffordable. The Museum is instead run by a dedicated team of volunteers with a wide range of experience and hands-on skills. Doug MacBeath, Curator of The Museum on the Mound, Edinburgh, acts as our Museum Mentor for the requirements of Accreditation.

Activities, Publicity and Promotion Committee

The Committee organises the winter lecture programme and a range of other events, including a conference approximately biennially. Any Moray Society member or Museum volunteer who would like to help with the Committee’s work should contact Elgin Museum. Meetings to plan the programme take place about three times a year. Members also publicise the activities and generally promote the Museum through the press, posters, social media and personal contacts.

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