
The Board of Directors (or Trustees) is The Moray Society’s governing body, with responsibility for the operation of Elgin Museum.

The Moray Society is a Scottish Registered Charity and a Company limited by guarantee and not having share capital. The Society’s governing document is the Articles of Association (Constitution). All members of the Board must be members of The Moray Society.

Meet Our Trustees 

Our Board currently comprises 9 Trustees and the Convenor of the Elgin Museum Management Committee:

President – Dr Nick Brown, Chartered Town Planner, RIAS Accredited Architect in Conservation and Sustainable Design. Chair of Radio Buckie, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries.

Vice-President – Claire Herbert, Elgin Museum Volunteer, including website, social media, activities, learning & outreach, projects, buildings, fundraising, Finance Committee, Collections Management Group; Archaeologist with Aberdeenshire Council covering the Moray Council area.

Treasurer & Company Secretary – Graham Robertson, Elgin Museum Volunteer, projects, buildings, insurance, Chair of Finance Committee; retired chartered accountant.

Convenor, Museum Management Committee (Ex officio) – Dr Alison Wright, Elgin Museum Volunteer, line manager, member of the Elgin Museum Geology Group, Activities, Learning & Outreach, Projects, Finance Committee, Collections Management Group.

Trustee – Eleanor Bradford, Head of Corporate Communications for SPEY media agency, managing external and internal relations for Scottish, UK and global companies. Award-winning communications specialist, columnist and former BBC correspondent.

Trustee – Bill Dalgarno, Elgin Museum Volunteer including Membership, newsletter, Chair of Collections Management Group; retired shop manager.

Trustee – Andrew W. Henderson, local businessman, owner of Elgin Gallery, and a qualified archival framer.

Trustee – Stuart Huyton, Elgin Museum Volunteer including IT; Director & Founder of Gaia Earth Group of companies, winners of one Queen’s and two King’s Awards for Enterprise; Board Member of Elgin BID; Trustee of Grant Lodge Trust.

Trustee – Donna Skelly, Solicitor and Member with Grigor and Young, specialising in Rural Land Law. Secretary for the Malt Distillers’ Association of Scotland.

Trustee – Janet Trythall, Elgin Museum Volunteer including Accreditation, documentation, Archaeology Volunteer, Repatriation & Restitution, activities, fundraising, member of the Elgin Museum Geology Group, line manager, Finance Committee, Collections Management Group; Retired anaesthetist.


Current Trustee Vacancies 

We’d like our Board to represent the community we serve, and actively encourage people of all ages, genders, backgrounds and abilities to consider putting themselves forward. 


The Moray Society is looking for a Treasurer to help take our organisation through what will be a significant few years of change and development.

Candidates will have experience in book-keeping, finance and administrative procedure. A connection to the Moray area and keen interest in Moray’s heritage desirable, given The Moray Society’s organisational and charitable objectives.

Download the Treasurer Job Specification (pdf 92KB) for more details, including how to apply, or contact us for more information.


We’re currently seeking additional Trustees for The Moray Society. More information about applying to become a Trustee can be found below.

We’re looking for individuals who have a strong interest in the culture and heritage of Moray, who can bring insights from a broad range of experience and backgrounds, and who can help steer Elgin Museum and The Moray Society to become a more resilient and sustainable organisation. Trustees should have a strong connection to the Moray area, but don’t need to be resident in Moray, and a commitment to helping to deliver our organisation’s vision.

Trustees may be invited to sit on working task groups appropriate to their skills, or progress and deliver specific projects or activities.

We’re particularly interested in hearing from people who have experience in any of the following:

  • Finance or accounting
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing
  • Business management
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Running a tourism or cultural business organisation

We’d be interested to hear about your skills, abilities, and experience even if we haven’t mentioned them above. More information about the current and future plans of the Museum are in our Forward Plan 2022-26 (pdf 1.3KB). If you’re interested in becoming a Trustee, please feel free contact us by email

Trustees do not need to be resident in Moray to apply. The majority of our meetings are held online and please note that the post of Trustee of The Moray Society is not a paid position and no expenses are available. More information can be found in the Elgin Museum Trustee Person Specification (pdf 98.2KB). Please contact us if you would like to discuss further and/or complete and return a Trustee Application Form (pdf 165KB).