Year of History, Heritage & Archaeology 2017
2017 was the Scottish Government’s Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology, and, with the help of HLF funding, Elgin Museum celebrated the Forgotten, Hidden and Lost archaeology and history of Moray throughout year. There was a wealth of events, activities and exhibitions throughout 2017, which culminated in a conference on the 4th November 2017. The proceedings from the conference will be available to purchase soon.
2017 Archaeology Conference Proceedings
Available now, the publication of the proceedings of the 2017 Archaeology Conference for only £5 (plus £2 UK p&p). This 145-page volume includes 9 papers from our conference speakers on 4th November 2017, including Dr Fraser Hunter and Dr Gordon Noble, as well as 5 papers from our field events on 5th November 2017, featuring insights on the stained glass and carved stones of Elgin Cathedral and the architecture and archaeology of Elgin’s historic town centre.
Contact us to order your copy now!
If you live locally to Elgin Museum, and would like to collect a copy in person please contact us by email to request a copy and arrange a collection time. If you live outside the UK and would like to order a copy, please contact us by email to customise your order.
Explore! Elgin Museum
As part of our HLF-funded project, we created an exciting children’s activity book and town centre trail, “Explore! Elgin Museum“. It can be downloaded (3mb pdf) or you can pick up a free copy on your next visit to the museum – not only can you explore where some of our objects were originally found but you can also design your own museum!
Moray Archaeology For All
We were also pleased to be able to support a variety of archaeological and museum based training opportunities through the Moray Archaeology For All group as part of our HHA2017 HLF-funded programme. Activities included archaeological illustration, artefact identification, excavation, surveying and more! Visit the Moray Archaeology For All Facebook page for more information about the group.
Cluny Hill Dig
Elgin Museum supported the University of Lancaster’s Cluny Hill Dig project in Forres as part of our HHA2017 HLF-funded programme. In 2016, the presence of a large hilltop enclosure was confirmed on Cluny Hill, Forres, by a combination of aerial laser scanning (LIDAR), geophysical survey, and archival research. In 2017, Dr Leif Isaksen of the University of Lancaster led a community excavation in order to learn more about this poorly understood site. For more information about the project visit the Cluny Hill website or find and follow them on Twitter.
Forgotten, Hidden, Lost: unearthing Moray’s archaeology
Moray Society Conference, 4th – 5th November 2017
To celebrate the Year of History, Heritage & Archaeology, Elgin Museum hosted an archaeology conference showcasing some of Moray’s lesser known archaeological and historic sites. We heard from 10 speakers on our lecture day, on 4th November, including Dr Fraser Hunter (NMS), Martin Cook (AOC Archaeology), Matt Ritchie (Forestry Commission Scotland) and Prof. Ian Armit (University of Bradford). Following this, on 5th November, we held two site visits – to Elgin Cathedral and a Guided Walking Tour of Elgin – as well as the opportunity to visit the Musuem to see new exhibitions and handle artefacts.
To conclude the conference, all speakers participated in an audience Question & Answer session which was filmed and transcribed (pdf 176kb). You can view the Q&A session on our YouTube Channel:
Elgin Museum Collection Highlights
We are excited to be able to present a series of short films highlighting just a few of the wonderful artefacts from the Museum’s collection, with the help of friends and volunteers of the Museum, including Museum Assistant Heather Townsend and Dr Fraser Hunter of NMS. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to keep up to date with our latest films!
Find and follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with all our news and activities. Any enquiries should be directed in the first instance by email.